For Tales from the Ether, 2021

An anthology of short fiction, non-fiction, and poetry from entertaining authors around the world in a variety of genres such as historical, crime, humor, memoir, and fantasy. Each piece, like an episode of "The Twilight Zone", takes you to worlds familiar and unknown. All of the writers studied at the University of Warwick’s Writing Programme in the UK and some have previously won prizes for their works. Cameron’s Gothic prose poem, "Graveyard Guardian", is featured in this collection.

Click on book cover to purchase from Amazon!

For Another Place, Another Time, 2020

An anthology of fantasy and fairy tale short stories from a dozen authors around the world. Two of Cameron’s stories, "Sleeping Beauty" (a dark fantasy meets sci-fi) and "Lady Summerfield, A Fable" (which won first place in the fairy tale category of the publishing company's short stories contest back in 2020) are included in this collection.

Please do not purchase book on Amazon as the publishing company is now defunct. Both published works are NOW featured in the Stories section.

For Chimera Anthology, 2019

An anthology featuring writings from the students of the University of Warwick's acclaimed postgraduate Writing Programme in the UK, with a foreword from award-winning poet, translator, and Warwick professor Michael Hulse. Chimera, named after the hybrid monster in Greek mythology, encompasses different styles and perspectives across genres in fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. Cameron’s classic horror ghost story, "The Green Doorknob", is featured in this collection and is his first published story!

The Anthology had a limited run when published in the UK, mainly to friends and family of the postgraduate writers. The tale WILL BE featured in the Stories section.