Early February Musings, 2021

Light of Imbolc and Candlemas Days

Light—the first that is seen upon the parting of morning’s curtain

Clear and bright the skies are over our heads, a welcome sight

As birds swoop and sing their triumphant glories as

The Spring, if Spring it may be, starts slowly her treading upon the earth

But the Seer knows better within his burrow home

The Seer glimpses at the Winter, she who is mighty Winter, who he knows still holds sway lantern-lit

Now the clouds cover skies as night falls a little later, a little brighter it remains

The warmth has seeped into our skins making them glow with good tidings ahead

The Lady changes her mantle amidst the shimmering white lights that awaken the evening into—Light

Owl, My Spirit Guide

Hark to the call of his coming, Hark! Hark!

He makes himself known to me

Perched upon skeleton tree of white birch branch

The sun has gone to sleep as he awakens

Awakens, bringing his message of mystery to my hearth

He knows me and I know him

My guide and spirit wanderer and friend

He, fabled one of speckled wing and great talon

He soars across the skies covering the night with his embrace

Waiting for his mate, waiting to bring me something

Something to help me through this time

I trust him and he trusts me

My mind asks: What news do you have for me, from the world beyond?

Hark! Hark! is his reply

So hark to the call of Owl, my Spirit Guide

Silence and stirring, he departs

I await his coming again