Farewell Summer, Slow Retreat into Fall

End of Summer blues, Autumn days ahead, 

Days still full of warmth, Nights cooler in bed.

The year has flown by in a blink of an eye, 

Both high and low points remembered and gone by.

The smiles and the laughter, the tears and the shouts. 

Watching clouds tinged with light, trees transform all about.

Uncovered faces covered anew, when will this ever end?

Protect ourselves and our loved ones then heal the world again? 

It's hard to say goodbye to Summer but know it will come back soon,

As sure as the Sun rises each day and with the phases of the Moon.

Melancholy and Nostalgia seeping down into my thoughts, 

While Hope arises phoenix-like, the flames of light I sought. 

So cast away the doubts, reach out to your kith and kin,

At this threshold called the Harvest season, we end yet we begin.