First Snow

Quietly stalking like death

The powdery flakes fall from the heavens

They plummet below to coagulate, congeal

Turn water into solid wasteland

All under a blanket shroud

We a-wait for the end of it all


Fluttering like feathers

The powdered sugar drifts down, awakening our senses

We smile, laugh, cajole together

All are amazed by the wonders before our eyes

Treading lightly on well-worn feet

We anticipate what is to come


Traversing home row upon row

The flurries whistle around each and every vehicle

Slowly we proceed, inch, stop and go

All very careful to make the journey together

We arrive safe and sound, our loved ones drawing near


Rolling across the skies

The snowflakes gather and journey down to greet us

All are stunned, excited, speechless

No one has words to describe what is seen before us

Coming in all of their glory

We are in thrall of the first snow