For Summer is Here,

June 2024

Summer scenes, warm days and nights. Blue skies and clouds mingle. Grey afternoons hint of rain, storms threaten and shadows pass on by. Colorful sunsets are Slyphlike canvases, leaves full of green life conjured by the Fae. Cottonwood seedlings floating like dreams upon the breeze as Midsummer nears. The Sun keeps it's light on until the Moon appears kissing it goodnight.

All is movement, electric flowing energy, enticing the earth, swaying or sitting still. We are movement, ebbing and flowing like the body of Lady Boann through Her Emerald Isle, rushing on, slowing down. Lazy we linger, waiting for some news to come. While hair is met by the wind, and our feet sense the softness of grass below us, warm then cool.

Take in the moment, breathe it in. Experience Life itself all around.

For Summer is here.