Glastonbury Musings

(May 8th, 2019; after my visit over May Bank Holiday weekend)

I am more aware of the soul of things than I ever was before. The trees are given new life even in the height of Springtime when Mother Nature herself puts on a show and is radiant throughout the world. The sacred places of this world that border the unseen realms are truly where divine inspiration is sought and can be found. The whole of Glastonbury is thus a Holy Grail in and of itself. Chalice Well is one of its temples, a sanctuary, and we all congregate as silent pilgrims to the march to welcome each other with open arms and be open to the invisible forces that are at work within us. When our hearts and minds become unlocked, our soul is free to explore and be receptive to other souls, other lives and other dimensions around it. I learned and felt all this in Glastonbury over the salubrious time of Beltane in England. Even now I wear the symbol of the writer, the shaman, the healer, the magician, a stone of Labradorite hangs upon my neck, not unlike the Albatross of Coleridge fame, to help me to be more in tune with myself and my art of transcribing thoughts to the written page, a scribe indeed. I want all to breathe in the essence of life as I did upon being anointed in that holy land, drinking in the waters that so freely flow from the base of the Well to spread throughout and make the garden grow, expand and touch everyone that is nestled in both its sunlit and darkened depths. The Tor rises above the landscape hiding its secrets, portals to the Otherworld where time flows in its own pace, away from the woes and strife that we mortals know since birth. I felt on top of the world when standing at its summit, looking out over all of England, as the wind whistled playfully around me, my hair flowing and full of life. The celebrations and ancient traditions live on within this heart chakra of the world, where love and understanding is felt on a daily basis, Eden is a true reality. I am a student of life but now one who has been touched by the magick that is Glastonbury for all eternity, to only replenish, renew that life essence upon returning to its green meadowed shores again. Excalibur, Avalon, Arthur, the Fae—

they all await my coming. And someday I will come home again.