Invocation to the Elements

I hear the winds, whistling and blowing outside my window pane

I see the abundance of flowers and trees, amply brightening green my dark corners

I feel the heat of the flames rising around my hearth, filling my face with light

I sense the wild stormy rains descending and flowing about my house


East and Air, I call to thee, bright light and life and wisdom

North and Earth, with your great girth, bring me peace and stability

South and Fire, fulfill my desires, my passions may they burn true

West and Water, heal and flow, in your serene waters may I dive down to you


Summer is here, the Winter is gone, Nature herself rejoices

Lord and Lady are as one, bring forth new life anew

The Spirit that dwells within me, without me and around me, reinforces me

So that I am the winds, the flowers, the trees, the flames and the storms, I am as one