Observations and Musings on May 23rd, 2022

in Santa Fe, New Mexico

(Wildfires, Beltane, and Stories)

The wind softly brushes through the greening leaves of the morning, the sun still hidden behind clouds. Shades of blue peek out ready to burst forth, parting the grey masses to behold the splendor of the sky in its forever blue palette. In the distance, the mountains stand tall, new life sprouting from the foothills partially shaded by fog as the slightest whiff of burning wood pierces my nostrils and I cringe. Gale winds have ceased for the moment only to provide a gentle breeze which hopefully will calm and cool off those who are fighting back the inferno raging across the innocent forests, haplessly falling victim to a crime against Nature Herself. When will the rain spirits come and pour forth their healing waters ever so much in need now more than any other time. The trees stripped and burned to a crisp as if a massive oven encircled and fried them, leaving no protection for those who call them their home. While other homes, other lives, have had to wait in breathless anticipation wondering what will be left after the onslaught.

With the fires spreading across the north, the trees have brought their new green energy growing from their branches and roots. The blossoms have long fallen away, a brief segment of time in which to enjoy their beauty, while a rainbow of flora explodes from lawns, parks and gardens. Blue irises stand tall, roses of pink and red unfold for those to take notice of them, little purple ones low to the ground want people to notice them too just like the pink roses who stand guardian in front of our house which the Good Neighbors blessed on Beltane, and daffodils and bright, orange blooms turn skyward to mirror the bright, golden sphere shining over all to announce that Summer has finally arrived even with the cold spell that has been cast over the past weekend.

Birds of Rhiannon fly to and fro, conversing and gossiping with each other announcing the coming of warmth again. Happy dogs pull their owners along, tails wagging and just grateful to be outside for some exercise. Rabbits calmly chomp the grasses and little white flowers in yards growing so much each day since their first appearances around Easter last month. The almost silent hum of a hundred bees are heard when walking under the bowers of trees cascading their leafy bowers to provide some much needed shade as they go about helping the plants and receiving sustenance to keep them going, and bring some back to their hives for the entire community to thrive on. Cats are not as common here, the grey one has been absent for some time and only if one parts the curtain from a house does one know that they are welcome there. Road runners will sprint past on garden walls soon enough with no coyotes clumsily following in pursuit, only the hollowing of a pack at night calling to the moon as they move across the arroyos looking for a midnight snack.

I have not been visited by a Great Horned Owl since Good Friday as is usually their custom to make an appearance around the full moon, waiting for more messages to come. So, maybe next month there will be some other news to tell. The owl couple decided to not make our makeshift tree nest in the community park their home this year and have found another place to mate and raise their young. I hope next year they will come back to the joy of all of the neighbors who enjoyed their company the past two years. (An update: they did return this year in 2023 and brought 3 little ones into the world!).    

And as ever I wait to hear back on new occupations, new chapters waiting to be written and discovered in life. I continue on with the story, Grandmother Spider wants to see it fly off of her web soon and I’m hoping to create my own web to spread the news and continue on with my writing endeavors (hence this website my dear readers, realized a year later. And yes I am still writing the story). Cerridwen has called to me at last and I will see what inspiration comes to me from her cauldron of renewal, what new changes are about to take place in my life and send me headlong into new pursuits whether here, close to my parents, or in other not-so-far off places (by Fall, I had moved to Denver, Colorado).

Since the opening up after the pandemic, I am beginning to enjoy some aspects of the City Different more than before, meeting a few more people, dancing on the weekends, eating at a few new places, and becoming familiar with its people and ways. The Loretto Chapel is my sanctuary and most beloved of all historic spots here, as I am always at peace sitting on a pew, watching as many curious tourists stream in and out, all of us marveling at the genius of the Miraculous Staircase and hearing its story being told to us on repeat in surround sound.

And yet I am still trying to find my secret garden, my next phase and comfort zone to enjoy the rest of my life and let other places call to me to visit in time and see familiar faces and people that I love or soon will love come into my life. The web of life continues to weave itself and we are all but parts in it. I am curious to find out now what lies ahead…