Of Transition and Of Change,

Of Festivity, Spirits, and Blessings

It's that time of year again, of transition and transformation. Leaves full and bright fall down to signal beginnings and endings as Nature finds rest in hibernation. The Wheel turns again, cyclical and calendrical, they are both the same.

The winds sweep the old year out, as cinnamon powders blow in through the front door. A New Year dawns amidst the darkest nights of ritual and of change.

All Hallows and Samhain tide, Hallowe'en pumpkin bonfires light the way, from hilltops and windowsills, the spirits are out in full array.

Yule is just around the corner, the goose is getting fat. And remember, remember to put a penny in that old Guy's hat.

Thanksgiving and Harvest, blessings to all, around the table we gather and feast. Turkeys and Pies, tricks and/or treats, fires logs burning, the hearth beckons like a fey cat-like beast.

The Cailleach is here, the Harvest God is dead. Crisp Autumn becomes Freezing Winter, heralding Wild Hunt nights of festivity and of mirth. Mischief and Jollity reigns supreme.

Wassail through the towns, don evergreens on your head. There's nothing like this time on earth. But don't blink or else it will seem like some mystical, magical curious dream.