Seasons of the Southwest, March 2024

Sun-drenched day, blue skies, floating clouds

A warmth settles on all those around.

It’s time to go outside, see the green grass, breathe in the fresh air,

But wait, no, its not to last, my dears!

For lo, the clouds gather and huddle together

And what’s this, a chill dampens skin and clothes, darn the weather!

The rumbling overhead, the lightning striking the earth,

As the rains descend, hear its hypnotic lolling at the hearth.

But wait, no, this is not to last, no way!

We’re still not done with the weather this day!

For now, the white slush mingles and mixes with the refreshing rains,

And the snow arrives in its deadly silence, seen through the window panes.

The winds kick up and toss around, the trees wave helpless to the heavens above.

And the snows continue to come, never ceasing,

Pile upon pile, the frost mountains grow,

The minutes turn to hours and they in turn drift through days.

But wait, no, this is not to last either, my friends!

For lo, the sun peaks out again, as the clouds disperse and go away.

Tis a bright new day, all warmth and glee.

And the heat, oh the heat, is sweltering like the sea.

Boy, if you live in the Southwest, please pity me!