The Contagion of the World

Flu, Flu, Flu

All you here about nowadays is the Flu, Illness and Ill Health

A, B, Coronavirus, Flu

It spreads around the world

Its tentacled spider legs reaching out covering a path of destruction

Our world is becoming the Under Side

Infected, Mutilated, Zombie-like we tread

Afraid of ourselves and what we could contract

Afraid of others and what they could contract from us or give to us unwillingly

The aches, pains, coughs, constrictions of the chest

It is unbearable, yet we bear through it the best we can

Isolate, Vaccinate, Rest R&R, Medicine, Medicine, Good PR

Soon we will be fine, soon we will be ok

The Earth is ill and so are we

We must heal if we are ever to fight this

Stop the spread, stop the pain, stop the malice

There is hope in a hopeless world

We just need to reach for it

Written in May 2020, just a couple months into the pandemic