The Hallowed Time

The leaves are spinning here and there

Clouds whispering across the skies

Cool winds linger everywhere

Life and Death seen before my eyes 


Autumn wears her splendid array

Which changes upon each passing day

I thrive within this enchanted time

A time that speaks outside of time


The sun sets in pumpkin bright hues

The moon shines deep and white within the ever-darkening night

The air stirs, flags unfurl 

Winter's cold breath breathes down our necks


The silence is broken 

The spirits have spoken

Hark to the call of the crow and wolf

Tend the cauldron fire of rebirth


Electricity fills the night

Making us remember those who once had sight

Who have long since passed beyond the veil

The time of the scorpion has come


So light the pumpkin fires

Sing songs to the dead

Don dark costume robes

Shine your smiles from out your mortal head 


For the Hallowed Time is nigh

Flying swiftly across moon-drenched skies

Samhain and All Hallows Eve is here

And oh it is my favorite time of year!