The Light Comes Again:

A Contemporary Winter Solstice Mumming Play

In my first year in China back in 2009, the International kindergarten that I taught at in Beijing was planning a winter festival party for our students and their families. As we teachers were expected to prepare songs and dances for the children to perform, it was also suggested that we too should perform as well. I was feeling inspired to represent the Winter Solstice to go along with the theme and so ended up writing my first play, which was translated into Mandarin Chinese by one of my colleagues and printed out for the families to follow along with (thus making this my first dramatic work to be translated too!). Since my college years, I had been delving more into different religions, specifically Wicca and modern neopaganism, and so came up with my version of a “mumming play” representing the seasonal battle between the Holly King and the Oak King who come out during the Winter and Summer Solstices to keep the seasons in balance at the height of their reign as an analogy for the sun’s journey at the shortest and longest days of the year (the Winter Solstice and the Summer Solstice, respectively). We all had fun performing this piece and I played the role of the dark Holly King!

Below is the information that I wrote for families to understand what the play was about, followed by the script itself:

The play the teachers will perform for you is their version of a modern “medieval European” mumming play to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Our colorful play, like the plays of the past, will help us to feel better during the cold winter months as we look forward to brighter days ahead when the sun moves higher up in the sky after the Winter Solstice on December 21st.  Like Yin and Yang, we recognize that the darkness of Winter and the brightness of Summer cannot exist without one another. This struggle is represented by two European pagan figures and their courts: the Holly King, who represents the dark half of the year, and the Oak King, who represents the light half of the year. Although they battle one another twice a year, they are both needed for without them we have no way to distinguish the seasons.

Cast of Characters:

Holly King, Holly Queen and Ladies of the Yule Court

Oak King, Oak Queen, and Ladies of the Oak Court

Ensemble enters/dances onto the stage to the instrumental tune of “I Saw Three Ships”.

Holly King, Holly Queen, Oak King, Oak Queen: We welcome you all to the Winter Solstice. It is a season full of light and joy amidst the coldest and darkest part of the year.

Ladies of the Holly and Oak Courts: But now within the darkest night, we await the coming of the new Sun’s light.

Ensemble: We await the coming of the new Sun’s light.

Holly Queen and Oak Queen: Silence now, our story unfolds. Will Darkness of Night rule over the Sun’s Rays of Gold? 

Oak King, Oak Queen and Ladies of the Oak Court exit stage. Holly Court remains on stage. Holly King steps forward with a flourish.

Holly King: Hail! I am the Holly King, Ruler of Winter and Darkness. I rule from Midsummer in June and now it is my favorite time of the year. Bow down to me or suffer the fate of Winter’s rest. Ha Ha!

Holly Queen: Hail my King, who rules this wintry land. Let all quake with fear over the power of the Holly Bush! Ladies now do homage to your king.

Ladies of the Holly Court: Come Dark! Come Night! Rule Forever!

All: Huzzah! Winter is King!

Ladies of the Holly Court: My Lord someone approaches. The Light is so bright it hurts our eyes.

Holly King: Stand aside, I fear them not.

Enter Oak King and Oak Queen followed by Ladies of the Oak Court in a flourish.

Oak King: Hail! I am the Oak King, Ruler of Summer and Light. I have come again good brother at Midwinter to reclaim my crown and defeat you again!

Holly King: So, we meet again, eh?!

Oak King: I have come to bring back the light to my people. They need it the most when their spirits are sad and the weather is bleak. My Light will shine through even your darkness.

Oak Queen: Well said my Lord. Let us welcome back the Sun and remember that the Oak Tree is the mightier king! Ladies now do homage to your king.

Ladies of the Oak Court: Come Sun! Come Light! Come Warmth! Fill our hearts with joy!

All: With Joy! Huzzah! 

Oak King: So, pull out your weapon my brother and let us face off! Oak King takes out his sword.

Holly King: I am ready when you are! Holly King takes out his sword.

Holly Queen and Ladies of the Holly Court: Pray good people cheer for us! Let Winter Darkness reign!

Oak Queen and Ladies of the Oak Court: No pray good people cheer for us! Let Summer Brightness come again!

Both Courts inspire the audience to cheer on their Lords.

Mock Battle Scene: Holly King vs. Oak King; Oak King “stabs” Holly King who falls to the ground on one knee.

Holly King: I am defeated, darkness is weak. I give up my crown, ladies do the same and pay homage to the new king. Holly King give crowns to Oak King. Optional: The rest of the Yule Court and Holly Queen, if they are wearing crowns too, also give crowns to the Oak Queen and Oak Court. Until Midsummer again my brother!

Holly King, Holly Queen and Ladies of the Holly Court: Hail the Light, Hail the new King!

Oak King, Oak Queen and Ladies of the Oak Court: Hail the Light, the Bright Lord reigns!

Oak King: Now good people, make merry and be joyful. I have come out of the darkness to welcome you all to the Light Half of the Year. Happy Winter Solstice!

Ensemble: Happy Winter Solstice!

Song sung by ensemble.

Deck the Halls

Deck the Halls with Boughs of Holly, Fa La La La La, La La La La

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly, Fa La La La La, La La La La

Don we now our gay apparel, Fa La La, La La, La La La La

Troll the ancient Yuletide carol Fa La La La La, La La La La
