The Song of Kokopelli

Play, play, play!

I play my flute to no one’s dismay

I play at dawn when the sun is bright

I play at dusk when the moon is alight

Most folk in town run outside to cheer

There are still others that cower in fear

At my power, oh my power I know is quite strong

But still, I do play all day and night long

My hair is free to the winds that blow near

My feet touch the earth to make the seed sprouts appear

From my back that is hunched, small miracles to show

Great bags of seeds for the flowers and plants to grow

My subtle tune stirs the great earth from its sleep

And the maidens who listen upon the wind, oh do they weep

I never leave without causing some raucous, some mischief, some change

For with me the rains come, youth are born, and Spring comes again.